Please Fill Out The Form Below To Request A Patient Import



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To ensure that you do not have to re-send your file, please read the following:


In order for this system to understand what data is in each columns of the CSV file,

a header row must be added to the beginning of the file

which has keywords in each of the columns describing what the column is.


Using this method, the columns in the CSV file

can be in any order as long as the header row defines what the column is.

Below is a list of recognized keywords we recommend to title the top (header row) of each column.


That which is in red font is required on the CSV file, the rest are optional.


Keyword Column Data
ExternalId External Id
FirstName First name
LastName Last name
FirstLastName First and last name in one column
LastFirstName Last name and first name in one column
MiddleName Middle name
Address Street address
Address2 Suite or apt
Address 2 Suite or apt
City City
State State
Zip Zip
CityStateZip City State Zip combined in one column. (i.e., Davie FL 33324)
SSN Social security number
HomePhone Home phone
WorkPhone Work phone
CellPhone Cell phone
DOB Date of birth
 DateOfBirth  Date of birth
DriversLicense  Drivers license number 
 Email Email address 
 Gender  Gender
 Wellness Id  Wellness Id
 GroupName  Group Name
 RxBin  Insurance BIN
 PCN  Insurance Processor Control Number (PCN)
 Group  Insurance Group
CardId Insurance Card Id
CardName Insurance Cardholder Name
PersonCode Insurance Person Code
RelationCode Insurance Relation Code
DOI Date of Injury
Date of Injury Date of Injury
Claim # Claim Number
Claim Number Claim Number
ICD9 ICD9s, separated by commas for multiple
ICD10 ICD10s, separated by commas for multiple
Notes Patient Notes
Employer Name Employer Name
Employer Address Employer Address
Employer Address2 Employer Suite
Employer City Employer City
Employer State Employer State
Employer Zip Employer Zip
Employer Phone Employer Phone
Payer Name Payer Name
Payer Address Payer Address
Payer Address2 Payer Suite
Payer City Payer City
Payer State Payer State
Payer Zip Payer Zip
Payer Phone Payer Phone
Attorney Practice Name Attorney Practice Name
Attorney Name Attorney Name
Attorney Address Attorney Address
Attorney City Attorney City
Attorney State Attorney State
Attorney Zip Attorney Zip
Attorney Phone Attorney Phone
Attorney Fax Attorney Fax
Attorney Email Attorney Email




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